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Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Nationalist Movement of Indo-China

The Nationalist Movement of Indo-China

Indo-China nationalism

The Nationalist Movement of Indo-China  Early history: 

Today's Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia are given the name of Indo-China. The history of this region shows that people living here were divided into different groups and lived under the umbrella of China's powerful empire. Even after the creation of independent nations, the rulers continued to adopt China's administration system and did not forget the ancient culture of China. Vietnam was also connected to the Silk Route along the waterway, which kept importing goods, people and ideas. The other routes of the business were also linked to the areas where non-Vietnamese people lived; Such as the Khmer Cambodian.

The Nationalist Movement of Indo-China Construction of the colony: 

The French army had taken a step in Vietnam in 1858. In the middle of the 1880s, they were completely occupied across the northern region. After the war of France and China, France was also controlled by Tonkin and Anm. In this way, the French Indo-China was formed in 1887.
For Europe's many powers, the need for colonization was because they had to meet the demand for natural resources and other things. Apart from this, the colonization countries also believed that reforming the backward people was the responsibility of 'developed' European like them.

In order to increase the crop yield, the French started making canals for irrigating the land of the Mekong Delta. This helped to increase the yield of rice. In 1900 rice cultivation was on 274,000 hectares of land, which increased to 11 lakh hectares in 1930. By 1931, two-thirds of the total production of rice from Vietnam came to be exported. In this way, Vietnam became the world's third-largest rice exporter country.

After that, the French started working on basic facilities there. To carry luggage and soldiers easily, it was necessary to do this. For this, work on a gross Indo-China rail system started. The last train link from Yunnan in China was completed in 1910. A second line was made that connects Vietnam to Siam. Thailand's old name is Siam.
Paul Bernard was a well-known French thinker. He believed that it was necessary to build basic facilities to make Vietnam's people happier. Having a happy family was a great possibility to build a better market for the French business. He also advocated for the movement of land so that the yield could be increased from agriculture.

During that time the economy of Vietnam was mainly dependent on paddy and rubber cultivation. Rails and ports were built to provide more facilities to these areas. But the French did nothing for the industrialization of Vietnam's economy.
The French people wanted to impose their 'modern' European culture on the people of Vietnam. This was what he wanted to do to improve Vietnam. They wanted to educate local people so that they can get workers to do the clerk. But they did not want to give a good education. He feared that this would awaken the people and then feared a threat to colonial rulers. Therefore, the people of Vietnam were denied access to the full benefit of French education.

The Nationalist Movement of Indo-China Meaning to be modern: 

Chinese culture had a profound influence on the elite people of Vietnam. Reducing this effect was very important for the French. He started eradicating the old method of education in a planned manner and started its education system in place of it. But it was difficult to overthrow the Chinese language used by elite people.

Some French policymakers wanted to make French the medium of studies. They wanted to make an Asian France whose wire was firmly connected to France in Europe.

Some other thinkers believed that in the lower classes, the Vietnamese language should be taught and the French language should be taught in higher classes. For anyone who had mastered the French language and French culture, there was also provision for French citizenship.

But the students were deliberately misled in the final examinations of the French class. This was done so that the locals could not come forward for the well-paid jobs. In the textbook of the school, the French culture was praised and the colonial rule was justified. In these books, the Vietnamese people were shown backwards, who was only made to work hard.

According to the French, being modern means imitate the Western culture. Vietnamese people kept long hair while small hair was promoted.

Protest in schools
Teachers and students did not fully understand the things written in the syllabus. If some oppositions were openly, then some quietly. When the number of Vietnamese teachers increased in lower classes, it was not possible to control what was actually taught.

The schools were proving to be very effective in giving birth to the spirit of nationalism in Vietnam. By the 1920s, students started to form political parties and started taking nationalist magazines too. Young Annan Party (A Political Party) and Annalise Student (a magazine) are some examples of this.

The imposition of French education and culture seemed to be reversed because Vietnam's intellectuals considered it a threat to their culture.

The Nationalist Movement of Indo-China Cleanliness and Diseases:

The city of Hanoi was built using modern engineering and architecture. A beautiful city was built for the colonial rulers. There were wide roads in the city and proper drainage was arranged. But the drains which were built as an example of cleanliness, the population of rats was increasing rapidly. This spread the plague epidemic in Hanoi.

The Nationalist Movement of Indo-China  Victim of rats:

In order to prevent the spread of plague, in 1902, the scheme of rats catchment was implemented. The workers of Vietnam were employed and they got money to catch every rat. People started catching thousands of rats. The rat's tail was given as a proof of rat killing. Many people started rubbing rats to take advantage of the opportunity and earning a lot of money. Many people started raising rates to increase their earnings. This incident shows that sometimes too powerful people become helpless and weak people come in strong positions.

I hope that this arrival is very helpful for you to think coherently 
about The Nationalist Movement of Indochina.

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